Thursday, March 1, 2012

Social Media / Parents

My parents, especially my not so tech-savvy mother, seems to think I never know what is going on in the world because I usually don't ever pick up the newspaper and read it.  They're under the impression that the newspaper is the only way to know what is happening around me.  They don't understand I can get the same amount of information, plus some, on the internet and social media websites.  For instance, on Twitter I follow several local News Stations and things of that nature.  I get the same stories my parents are getting in the newspaper, just on my phone and computer instead.  Our parents obviously did not grow up with the technology we are lucky enough to have today, so they just need to accept the fact that times are changing.  Online newspapers are becoming more popular, as traditional paper newspapers are on their way out, thanks to social media websites.  I do not see my parents making the conversion anytime soon, and it's people like them who are going to keep the traditional newspapers in business in the future, not that there is anything wrong with that.  I'm not saying there's a right or wrong choice, it's all about preference.


  1. I agree with what you are saying about times changing. Another thing on the decline since the introduction of social media sites is paper mail. There is no need to go to the post office to send a letter anymore because you can email, facebook, or tweet your message instantly to the intended recipient. Social media makes it so easy to communicate with anyone in the world.

  2. I agree also because my parents used to think the same thing about me until they finally learned how to use these social media sites and online newspapers. Everything is being put online nowadays and we can hear about it a lot faster than getting a real paper newspaper, some of which are not printed every day. Times are changing and we all just have to keep up with it.

  3. I think you bring up a good point that our generation is evolving differently than our parents' generation. Today you could argue that there is much more information available on the internet versus just reading the newspaper. Who knows where will be in 20 or 30 years, I could easily see there being no type of newspaper that is not online or available electronically.
