Thursday, April 12, 2012

Post for 4/13/12

As many of you may know, many employers look as the potential employees Facebook page before officially hiring them.  Some may consider this an invasion of privacy, other think it's perfectly normal.  I don't see anything wrong with them viewing your page to see what type of person you are, but when they ask for your password that is where I draw the line.  Employers are starting to ask for passwords so they can literally go through anything they want, including private messages, personal conversations and things like that.  At first I didn't even believe it when I heard they were doing that because that is a complete invasion of privacy.  There is nothing wrong with them looking at your page, isn't that what it is there for to begin with? So that others can see what you post, what pictures you upload...ect? If you don't want people seeing this stuff you can very easily make it more private.  But the fact that they are asking for complete control over your profile is out of hand.  It is none of their business to go through your personal stuff like that and the more people let them have their passwords, the longer this is going to go on for.


  1. I have heard this argument many times recently and it is totally true. I understand if they look at your profile and pictures because that is open to anyone. However, the password is crossing the line and is not apprpriate.

  2. I agree the password is crossing the line. I almost feel like invaded though just from pictures because I avoid my picture being taken by where I might be, or what's in my hand etc. Being in college and posting pictures online from the weekends occurs rapidly and many photos appear negatively if someone is evaluating you're life online.
