Thursday, April 19, 2012

4/20/12 Blog Post

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter plan on taking a larger role in this years Olympic Games.  Many of the top competing athletes such as Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, and Roger Federer are all people who use Facebook or Twitter and have "likes" or "followers" in the tens of millions.  Twitter and Facebook also plan on having contests for their followers and supporters with many prizes for the people tuned into the Olympic games.  It seems that nowadays their is no escaping social media.  No matter what the event, there will be people tweeting or posting something about it, and this is how news is getting spread so quickly.  Instead of watching ESPN to wait for the Olympic highlights that were might have missed, all one needs to do is sign onto Twitter or Facebook and click a posted link or read a tweet and he/she can get the same information without waiting at all.


  1. I have to agree with you on that because people are constantly talking or tweeting or posting about any and all events that are happening at that very moment. It just makes me wonder what is going to happen to newspapers in the years to come because with all of this social media it seems that people wouldn't need them.

  2. I also agree and I think that this year more than ever Social Media is going to impact/change the way everyone keeps up to date with the Olympic Games. I also have to agree with Mariah in what is going to happen to Newspapers in the years to come? If social media continues the way that it is there may be even fewer news shows because of how "late" they get their information when social media is instant and you do not have to wait for a tv show or a broadcast to go on? Good post

  3. I think that Twitter will be a great way for people to follow their favorite athletes during the upcoming Olympics. Especially because of the real-time aspect to the site. You can be up tot he minute with Michael Phelps' last race, or what events are coming up and when. It's going to be an exciting summer.
